’s Scheduling feature gives you the ability to schedule Live Stream Episodes in advance. Once you’ve planned a time, sends out automated invitations to everyone you want to invite. As the start time approaches - 15 minutes before your Episode is due to begin - sends out a round of reminders to you and your participants, so no one will miss a beat.

  1. Navigate to your account and click on the Podcast where you want to schedule a Live Stream Episode

  2. Select 'New live stream'

  3. Adjust the title if you want and select a date and time for your live streamed episode and select 'Next'.

  4. Invite People (optional). Note that it is not necessary for someone to receive an email invite in order for them to take part in or listen to your episode. Select 'Next'.

  5. Choose dial-in numbers to add to your invitation. Select 'Next'.

  6. Review the summary and select 'Schedule' to confirm the live stream episode and send invitations to any contacts.