Frequently podcasters and users have questions concerning the content of their shows.  This FAQ section provides a general overview of how content created by you, the Host, and made available on the Talkshoe service is handled.  This is a summary only - please consult both the TalkShoe Terms of Service (TOS) & Privacy Policy (links below) for all of the specific details related to content ownership and related matters, as these form the basis of the Agreement between TalkShoe and the Host.

Hosts own the content of their Show and, generally speaking, content produced by Hosts on TalkShoe is owned by the Show Host.  The Host can also do the following:

  • They can delete their content from Talkshoe.

  • They can upload their content from Talkshoe onto another platform.

  • They can archive their content on their own equipment (and are indeed advised to do so - the benefit of keeping local copies is something we have always advised Hosts to do as Talkshoe should not be considered the sole 'custodian' of such show content.

As part of the Terms of Service, Hosts provide a license to Talkshoe allowing Talkshoe to present and use such content, for example to provide access to such content to viewers, to store such content, and to redistribute content via a Show RSS Feed that is readable by third party directories.  Talkshoe is also allowed to insert audio as pre-roll, midway or appended to the recording and also use short clips of individual episodes by way of promotion of the TalkShoe service to a wider audience.  The specific terms of this license are as set forth in the Creative Commons license which offers a standard for 'shared use' of content.

Finally, although the content is owned by the Host, TalkShoe can remove any content of Hosting account for violation of our TOS.

Creative Commons License -

Terms and Conditions -

Privacy policy -