As a TalkShoe Host you will have hopefully by now created your own public show

If not please checkout 'How to Create a Show'

This Show page will slowly build up with your episodes.

So let's use 'TalkShoe User Support' (Show ID 77) as an example Show

Let's choose Ep. 774 - TalkShoe Support Live - Second Chances as the episode we wish to promote

Firstly click on the episode and open up the episode page

Right at the top - in the URL bar - we can see this link - the link we need to post about on Social Media

ie. if you have a promotional twiiter account for your Show - you could tweet all about it

Listen to the latest episode of TalkShoe Support Live Ep. 774 'Second Chances' here: or catch it on iTunes #podcast

NOTE: If this is a just uploaded episode please DO NOT post out the initial 'summary' URL page that you as the Hosts sees immediately after the Live Show.

Give time for the episode to process the audio and update the Shows free RSS Feed.   ✔

RIGHT Link for Social Media
WRONG Link for Social Media